Sunday, April 6, 2008

Grizzly Man - Crazy or Spiritual?

Some say Timothy Treadwell was insane, others call him a martyr. None the less, his eccentric nature and love for grizzly bears provides for an entertaining documentary. To me, it is clear that Treadwell was searching for a sense of self, his worth, and what he could do while on Earth to live out his purpose. In this search he found his love for animals, in particular Grizzly Bears and began what he thought was his life long goal. Living 13 summers with the Grizzlies of Alaska, Treadwell's connection with the bears became a dangerous disrespect for the boundary between human and animal (in particular an animal that can rip human flesh apart with ease).

Treadwell's child like nature lead him to 'play' with bears, rather than protect them, as he had set out to do. His argument when people told him he was crazy was that bears are misunderstood, although his point was refuted in the end of his life. The simple fact of the matter is that Treadwell had mental illnesses throughout his life, and even though he traveled around the country educating people on the protection of his beloved Grizzlies, he was not mentally stable. I believe whole heartedly in protection and admiration for all types of animals. Each animal has a spirit and every human has a spirit animal, Treadwell's was a Grizzly Bear; he just did not understand the invisible boundary between the two worlds. As Ziggy Marley says "Hey miss butterfly I see you look at me with your beautiful eyes, you must be wondering what type of creature am I".

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