Thursday, May 29, 2008

Jane Addams - Motivation

In class we discussed the reasons Jane Addams had for beginning the Hull House in Chicago. One of the main influences for Addams was Abraham Lincoln and American values. Addams describes Lincoln as a Roman eagle, heroically and perfectly protecting and guiding the American people. She describes freedom and equality as essential for the American ideal and Abe Lincoln as a provider of those dreams. To Addams, equality is an important value in everyday life and democracy.

Lincoln's inspiration was one of the main reasons Addams began the Hull House. She believed in equality for all man, even the poorest of them. I gain a sense that Addams had a spiritual awakening the day she visited the capital building in Madison. She describes many feelings of honor and pride when gazing upon the building. These feelings are symbolic and spiritual, much like a religion would make a person feel. We talk a lot about the connection and similarity between nationality and religion and Addams work creating the Hull House is an example of the high spirituality one can feel for their own country.

Addams desire to help people through the Hull House gave her a meaning for life that arose partially from Lincoln's dream for equality and freedom. The meaning for a life is something many religions search for, so in a way Addams social work was a religious act for her. I'm not entirely sure you can claim that the Hull House and its work is religious to all people, however I think it is safe to say it was for Jane Addams.

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